Botan-Powder Aquarium Plants Cleaning Powder
BotanPowder: Aquarium Plants Cleaning Powder, Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent with some disinfectant properties.
TIP: Used for disinfecting plants before using in an aquarium.
Potassium permanganate, also known as food grade KMnO4, is used to control algae, parasites, fungus, and bacteria in vegetables and water.
At room temperature, a 1:10,000 solution destroys the infectivity of contaminants in 20 minutes.
It has been used as a drinking water disinfectant in 1% to 5% solutions and is still used for this purpose in some countries, as well as for washing fruits and vegetables.NUTRIENTS VALUE
Ingredients: KMnO4 Potassium Permanganate powder
More info: How to clean aquarium plants - algae scraping tips tricks
Prepare a bathing solution in a water bucket at room temperature before adding new plants to your aquarium.
Add enough BOTANPOWDER crystals to make a light purple solution (3mg per litre of water).
Dip your plant in the solution for about 10 minutes, then add 5ml of hydrogen peroxide or aquarium dechlorinator at 3x the recommended dose.
With H2O2, The permanganate darkens to brown.
Remove the plants from the solution and rinse them thoroughly in aquarium water.
NB: NEVER combine potassium permanganate with solutions or medications such as Formalin