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Bucephalandra sp Black Label

Bucephalandra sp Black Label


Bucephalandra sp. Black Label, a beautiful addition to any shrimp aquarium plants collection. This unique plant boasts long, dark green leaves with a slight ruffle along the edges, making it an eye-catching focal point in any tank. As the plant grows, new leaves will showcase a striking reddish to deep brown color, while mature leaves will darken, creating a captivating contrast in your aquatic landscape.


    Difficulty : Easy

    Lighting : Low to Moderate

    Temperature : 20 – 24 °C (68 – 75°F)

    pH: 6-7.5

    Growth : Slow to Moderate

    CO2 injection will yield better growth


    Portion size : 2 x 2 Inches ( 5 x 5 cm)

    Bucephalandra, an epiphytic aquarium plant, can be affixed to aquarium hardscape rather than being planted in substrate, as burying the rhizome may lead to melting and rot.

    The plant's ultimate size, coloration, and growth rate are influenced by the aquarium's conditions.

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