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Vin Shrimp Breeder Combination

Vin Shrimp Breeder Combination


Use this set of products for breeding shrimp in stable ecological environment

Inluding :

  • Storm Nitrifying Bacteria 250cc
  • Activator 250cc
  • Ecological bacteria group 35g
  • Gh regulator 500CC
  • Ku bacteria 20g
  • Blizzard Shrimp food 40g
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    Vin shrimp & Biotech Co. Ltd.

    Vin shrimp has spent over 12 years in breedingshrimp. To research and develop products related to breeding Ornamental shrimps well is our another service.  

    Storm Nitrifying Bacteria : Effectively enhance the nitrogen cycle, balance aqua ecosystem and suppress algae growth.

    Storm Activator : Effectively decomposes organic accumulations and reduce pressing impact on shrimps. Help bacteria fast breeding and purify water. Suppress all kind of worms to breed.

    Storm Ecological bacteria group : Quickly strengthen nitrification system, stabilize water quality and build excellentecology.

    Storm GH Regulator : Excellent mineral Micro elements provides shrimps mineral needs. Promote high survival rate, breeding health and body color brightening.

    Ku shrimp Barley Straw Bacteria : Produce a large amount of microorganisms, improve the survival rate of juvenile shrimp

    Blizzard Shrimp Food : It is Hand-madeby the main ingredient of natural vegetable formula using food grade.


    • Storm Nitrifying Bacteria : OYK Bacteria and vitamins formula, New tank setup: Daily add in the first three weeks(may double the dose). Usual maintenance: Please add once a week (with Storm Activator together for better effects). 10 CC of Nitrifying Bacteria for 100L of tank water. It is normal to have deposition because of living bacteria. Please shake well before use.
    • Storm Activator : Contain natural ingredients and help Nitrification stability. Use with Storm Bacteria for better effects. Weekly add it and shake well before use; 10 CC of activator for 100 L of tank water. Use with Storm Bacteria and Ecological Bacteria Group together for better effects.Avoid direct sunlight.
    • Storm Ecological bacteria group : Contains a lots OYK original bacteria powder, comprehensive algae powders, micro-organisms powders and shrimp growth elements. Stirring some tank water and Storm Source together then add into tank. Or evenly sprinkled into tank. A flat spoon corresponds to 100 liters of water. New tank can directly use it while change water can be added again. Daily maintenance:every three days add one-third of amount. Use with Storm Bacteria and Activator together for better effects.
    • Storm GH Regulator : Contain plentiful minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other Micro elements) 10 liters of water added 1 CC Storm GH Regulator will increase the general hardness to be 1 degree.
    • Ku shrimp Barley Straw Bacteria : At least 4 billion a gram of good bacteria, Hang using clip in shrimp tank, replace when necessary
    • Blizzard Shrimp Food : soybean meal, seaweed powder, blue-green algae, vegetable protein, wheat,lecithin, yeast, amino acids etc. feed according to the quantity of shrimp while the residual food should be removed.

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