Wavy Green Bucephalandra
Wavy Green Bucephalandra plant, attached to a natural Coco crown for easy placement in your freshwater aquarium. This low-maintenance plant features mesmerizing wavy green leaves that will add a pop of color and texture to any aquascape.
Difficulty : Easy
Lighting : Low to Moderate
Temperature : 20 – 24 °C (68 – 75°F)
pH: 6-7.5
Growth : Slow to Moderate
CO2 injection will yield better growth
Portion size : 2 x 2 Inches ( 5 x 5 cm)
Bucephalandra, an epiphytic aquarium plant, can be affixed to aquarium hardscape rather than being planted in substrate, as burying the rhizome may lead to melting and rot.
The plant's ultimate size, coloration, and growth rate are influenced by the aquarium's conditions.